Tranny Duo Mall A Cross Dresser (2008)

Tranny Duo Mall A Cross Dresser (2008)
Starring: Randy Detroit Tina Chase
Categories: Shemale / Tranny
Date Added: 2008
(776.9 Mb)
A swarm of trannies attacked a crossdresser the news read. But he didn't seem to be fighting them off, just loving it. They both took turns getting him in their mouth. His warm juicy flow kept both trannies on their toes. They each do each other, sucking a short stem of course as we all know what size the hormones dictate. And even if you don't, we can see evidence of it here. Sliding his cock inside them now, the crossdresser obeys no traffic signs, no red lights or warnings of tight holes, or stop signs saying come back tomorrow or trannies working here. We see it and feel it close up completely bareback cause that's the way you like it. This one's for you, hope you play it again and again. And tell all your friends. Cum flies everywhere so you won't be disappointed in the least. Get it on!

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