Betty Does Texas (2017)

08-November-2017 15:54: Watch for free «Betty Does Texas (2017)» - porn movie with popular models transexuals - Betty Black, Michelle Austin, Tyler St. Syn
Betty Does Texas (2017)

Betty Does Texas (2017)

Starring: Betty Black, Michelle Austin, Tyler St. Syn
Categories: Shemale / Tranny
Date Added: 2017

Betty Does Texas, follows new star Betty Black as she is in her Los Angeles home wondering why no trans girls represent her in porn. As she is scrolling the net she finds Michelle Austin, and finally sees a girl that resembles her. After seeing that she is on a mission to find and meet Michelle. She leaves LA, to go to Austin, Texas thinking that is where Michelle lives and finds out she doesn’t live there. She meets trans male star Tyler St. Syn on her trip and he helps her in many ways to find Michelle. This film reflects the reality of where the porn world is for trans people on body image. Michelle and Tyler direct this movie and tell a story that someone’s dream can come true if you have a plan.


2 902
08 Nov 2017

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